Friday 26 March 2021
Conference Objectives:
- Explore the situation of women in Afghanistan, and in particular their access to education, following the signing of the peace deal between the Taliban and the USA in February 29, 2020;
- Examine whether the Taliban have been able to alter their core values, retreat from extremism and have started to recognize the social rights of women, including their right to education;
- Discuss the restrictions that women – particularly – in southern and eastern Afghanistan face, and how this impact their educational potential. Current challenges that women in Afghanistan face when accessing education.
- Explore if and to what extend the resurgence of Taliban in Afghanistan has affected women’s and girls’ personal development in Austria;
- Explore how women’s ‘memorization’ in Afghanistan has affected their education prospects in the host country and whether it has provided an impediment to further positive change and development;
- Identify measures that could assist women in Austria to overcome their isolation and have unimpeded access to the educational opportunities available in the country in order to develop and fully integrate into the host society.
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 2021
First draft of full article: 15th March 2021
Conference Organizers: Behnaz Hosseini & Ourania Roditi
For further information please contact Ourania Roditi & Behnaz Hosseini at